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Beyond SMART Goals: Meaningfully Prepping Your Year

Sep 14, 2023 10:00 AM to 11:15 PM

Registration Deadline: Sep 14, 2023 09:45 AM

Beyond SMART Goals: Meaningfully Prepping Your Year

Goals, habit-building, and best-laid plans often don't seem to "work". This Grad-focused discussion-centered workshop will look at the psychology of intentional planning, from a lens of identity and values, as a basis for meaningful, practicable goal setting. An emphasis will be on foundations for follow-through on learning, writing, and research plans for the upcoming year with sustained capacity, self-care, and evidence-based learning and behaviour-management tactics. 

*For those who attended the first Beyond SMART Goals workshop: This workshop 8/28 will be a summary of key concept slides and practical focus on building out a 13-week or year-long goal plan.