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Stress-free Success ?

Sep 21, 2023 04:00 PM to 05:00 PM

Registration Deadline: Sep 21, 2023 03:55 PM

Stress-free Success?

When's the last time you thought about your grad studies and felt calm, content, and fulfilled? Grad-level academics at leading universities can be stressful experiences. But there is a path available to consistent, joyful progress that leads to sustained learning and a sense of meaningful achievement. This workshop will present a learning framework that accounts for the whole person and that draws on social cognitive neuroscience, somatic (body-informed) and affective psychology and that attempts to honour Indigenous wisdoms about the process of being and of learning. We'll explore through relational awareness what growth mindset really means; the psychology of confidence; and healthy "learning identities". The intention of this workshop is to sow seeds for grad and professional students at U of T to reclaim a sense of empowerment in your studies and to tap into a sense of inspiration and meaning in your work - which is demonstrated to support greater levels of success.