Student Life Events at St. George
Students with Family Responsibilities Advocating for Themselves & Their Family Through Writing
Nov 29, 2019 03:00 PM
05:00 PM
Room 313 - Koffler Student Services Building 214 College St.
Registration Deadline: Nov 29, 2019 05:00 PM
Students with family responsibilities have a lot on their plate! When a problem arises – be it academic, family related, personal or professional – advocating for oneself and one's family can feel like a daunting task, particularly if the stakes are high. Rhetoric is a powerful tool which students can use to better communicate through the written word.
Select Registration Type
Student (St. George Campus)
Current students and those within 2 years of graduation at the St. George Campus.
Student (UTM & UTSC Campus)
Students from the Mississauga and Scarborough campus