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Student Life Events at St. George

Student Consultation: National Standard for Mental Health & Wellbeing for Post-Secondary Students

Nov 8, 2021 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Registration Deadline: Nov 8, 2021 05:00 PM

We invite you to share your student voice to enhance mental health on campus. Recently, the National Standard of Canada: Mental Health and Well-Being for Post-Secondary Students was released and the university is conducting a project to assess current mental health supports and areas where, we as a campus community, can grow. 
The consultation session we are inviting you to participate in, is an opportunity for you as students to collaborate in this project. The main goals of this consultation session are to gain the student perspectives on campus resources, identify areas of growth and discuss future goals in creating a supportive community. 
These sessions will be conducted between October 6 and November 12. Please sign up for the time that works best for you from the available times on the CLNx calendar. 
Student feedback provided at these consultations will be kept anonymous and will be used for internal UofT future programming planning to align with the National Standard of Canada: Mental Health and Well-Being for Post-Secondary Students. By registering and attending the consultation session, this will indicate that you are consenting to participating in this project. You may withdraw your consent at any time throughout this process. These sessions will also be recorded for transcript purposes only, they will be stored securely and privately and destroyed once we have completed our analysis. 
If you have any further questions about this process or project, please direct them in an email to Julie Kang (