Student Life Events at St. George
ADHD Peer Connections
Feb 3, 2022 01:00 PM
02:00 PM
Registration Deadline: Feb 3, 2022 01:00 PM
ADHD Peer Connections
The rationale: A place to find community, build resilience, and be yourself. A structured activity will be provided. Learn about yourself, about others, and share strategies that build resilience. Come to laugh, to learn, and to find community.
An online space to connect with other students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), facilitated by a Ph.D. student with lived experience, and who's PhD is in ADHD! The world would be so boring without people like us. Come connect with people like yourself!
An Accessibility Services staff member will also be present to provide support and suggestions on learning strategies. This group is open to any student with ADHD who is currently registered with Accessibility Services.
Registration is required for this event, so that you can receive the link to join the online program. If you have any questions, please email us at:
This session will occur on Zoom. Students will be sent the Zoom link upon registering. Please note: you will have to download/access Zoom ( For your reference, Zoom also has other features, such as changing your display name and many accessibility features.
Students from U of T, UTSC, and UTM who self-identify as having a disability(ies) are welcomed!
The workshops hosted by Accessibility Services on CLNx are catered to students who self-identify as living with a disability. If you require any accommodations to fully participate in this event, please connect with our team ( at least 1 week before if possible.
Please note: the information you provide by signing up for this Accessibility Services event through CLNx is held confidentially, in line with FIPPA standards. Only limited Accessibility Services staff and 2 CLNx administrators will have access to it. If you have any questions or concerns, please connect with our team (