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Student Life Events at St. George

Ready To Work Keynote: Inclusion of Young People with Disabilities in the Future of Work: Emerging Challenges and Opportunities - Presented by Arif Jetha

Mar 9, 2023 01:30 PM to 03:00 PM

Registration Deadline: Mar 9, 2023 12:00 PM

Ready to Work - Keynote

Inclusion of Young People with Disabilities in the Future of Work: Emerging Challenges and Opportunities - Presented by Arif Jetha

Arif Jetha PhD is a Scientist at the Institute for Work & Health and Associate Professor (status) at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto. 

We welcome, students, recent alumni, staff and faculty, and employers as Arif Jetha discusses the following:

The future of work refers to the large-scale interrelated technological, sociopolitical, and environmental trends that are rapidly transforming all aspects of work. For young people living with a disability, the future of work offers potential benefits and emerging barriers to sustained employment. Drawing from ongoing research at the Toronto-based Institute for Work & Health, this presentation will aim to build a better understanding of the future of work and its implications for the inclusion of young people with disabilities in the labour market. The presentation will also discuss strategies and recommendations to support the employment of young people living with disabilities as they enter and advance within the working world.

What you need to know:

• Ensure you register! Registration will provide you with the link and instructions for accessing the online session.
• Prepare by reviewing the Tip Sheet for Joining Zoom meetings
• Arrive on time (or early). Events start on time and you may be denied entry after the start time. 
• If you can no longer attend, please cancel your registration to allow others to participate.
• If there is additional capacity, waitlisted individuals will be notified via email prior to the start of the session.
• Only University of Toronto students and recent alumni (within the past two years) are eligible to attend.

If you require disability-related accommodations for an event or workshop, please e-mail us at

No spaces remaining OR registration is currently not available.