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Student Life Events at St. George

Black, LatinX & SEA Students Applying to On & Off Campus Jobs

May 19, 2023 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM

Registration Deadline: May 19, 2023 11:30 AM

Partnership with Career Exploration & Education. This workshop is intended to help African Black Caribbean, Latin American and Southeast Asian students find and apply for positions posted on the U of T Career Learning Network (CLNx) 5 job boards, including positions available with Access & Inclusion Peer Programs. We will also discuss how to address, and the potential hiring discrimination associated with, including our non-anglicized names, identities, neighborhood based experiences, etc. in our applications.

Ketheisan Vigneshwaran (Pronounced Kay-thee-sen) (he/him) 
Career Educator
Fatema Attarwala (hear my name) (she/her)
Work Study Program Coordinator
Career Exploration & Education
Mikhail V. Burke (he/him)
Manager, EDI Initiatives // Course Instructor
Division of Student Life

Note: This article, The Unintended Consequences of Diversity Statements, is being circulated as recommended reading in advance of the workshop. It was written by Dr. Sonia K. Kang, PhD; Canada Research Chair in Identity, Diversity, and Inclusion; Associate Professor, Organizational Behaviour and HR Management, Department of Management, University of Toronto Mississauga and Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto; Special Advisor on Anti-Racism and Equity, University of Toronto Mississauga.

Accessibility Notes.

  • Language: Conversation will happen in English. 
  • Closed Captioning: Auto-generated captions which can be turned on and off will be utilized in this presentation.  
  • Participation Expectations: Participants will be invited to join in the conversation by unmuting themselves and speaking and / or typing in the chat. All camera use is voluntary. 
  • Privacy: Conversation will not be recorded. 
  • Technology: How to use MS Teams is provided here.
For accomodations and more information please contact: 
Adonica Huggins (pronouns she / her, Black staff), Student Life Coordinator, Academic and Peer Programs at