Student Life Events at St. George
Community Building with Intercultural Learning and Mindfulness
Oct 24, 2023 04:00 PM
06:00 PM
Cumberland Room at Cumberland House - 33 St. George St.
Registration Deadline: Oct 24, 2023 04:00 PM
Engaging with diverse individuals in an interconnected world gives us valuable opportunities to learn from various perspectives. The workshop aims to enhance your community-building knowledge and skills through an intercultural lens to empower you to integrate inclusivity into your everyday experiences.
During the first half of the workshop, you will participate in a mindful communication workshop presented by the Multi-Faith Centre. This will be an interactive workshop facilitated by Program Coordinator Mindfulness, Meditation, and Yoga, Lauren Brown, MEd. Mindful Moments is our drop-in secular mindfulness programming For our full calendar of mindfulness, meditation and yoga programming visit
For the second half of the workshop, you will learn to explore the factors that affect the cultural community you live in, investigate how power and privilege impact communication, and develop strategies to create and build an inclusive, equitable environment.
This workshop is part of the Intercultural Learning Program (ILP). Learn more about the Intercultural Learning Program by visiting the Center for International Experience - Programs & Events webpage (Under the "Develop" tab) and find out how the program works to get Co-Curricular Record (CCR) recognition.
If you have questions or accommodation requests, please feel free to contact You Jia Lee (