Student Life Events at St. George
ADHD Peer Connections
Nov 28, 2023 01:00 PM
02:00 PM
Registration Deadline: Nov 28, 2023 01:00 PM
An online space to find community, build resilience, and be yourself while connecting with other students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Learn about yourself, about others, and share strategies to build resilience.
This program is open to all students who self-identify as having ADHD. No formal diagnosis is required. Students from all three campuses who self-identify as having a disability(ies) are welcomed!
Format: These 60 minute sessions are led by peer facilitators. This session will occur on Teams. Students will be sent the Teams link upon registering
How it works: Each session will start off with an icebreaker, followed by a facilitated discussion.
Materials: You are not required to bring any materials to these sessions.
Platform Access Information: This event will be delivered using MS Teams. Please ensure your MS Teams access is up to date to make the most of this session. To learn about the accessibility features on MS Teams and how to use them, you can read more about the overview of accessibility features and watch the MS Teams video tutorials.
Technology and sound: The session will be taking place over MS Teams and will require a computer or device with this platform installed (some features may not be available on a browser/web version), with a built in microphone and speakers.
Registration is required for this event, so that you can receive the link to join the online program. If you have any questions, please email us at:
The events/workshops hosted by Accessibility Services on CLNx are for students who self-identify as living with a disability. If you require any accommodations to fully participate in this event, please connect with our team ( at least one week before if possible.
Please note: the information you provide by signing up for this Accessibility Services event through CLNx is held confidentially, in line with FIPPA standards. Only limited Accessibility Services staff and two CLNx administrators will have access to it. If you have any questions or concerns, please connect with our team at