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Student Life Events at St. George

Intersectional Identities @ Work Day

Mar 26, 2024 11:30 AM to 04:00 PM
Experiential Learning Commons (255 Beverley Street, 3rd Floor)

Registration Deadline: Mar 26, 2024 11:00 AM


Our identities are intrinsically tied to the ways we find jobs, and experience work. How do we participate in job searching and work while honouring our identities? How can we find workplaces that prioritize meaningful action over performative allyship? How can we learn from one another and build community across our similarities and differences, while on campus and in the workplace?

Join us for our Intersectional Identities @ Work day, where we will come together in conversation, creativity, and community to disrupt traditional workplace narratives, foster agency, and learn from each other.
The day will include: 

  • Conversations with staff, students, alumni, & employers about work and identity
  • A living library, where storytellers will share their experiences at the intersections of work, community, and identity
  • Zine making, to tell your own career story(ies)
  • Activities to identify and uplift your community as you navigate all stages of your career
You are welcome to come for all or part(s) of the event. This event is hybrid, though some activities are in-person only (details included in the schedule below). 

Lunch and snacks will be provided for in-person attendees.

Register for the event by clicking here
or by visiting this link

Event Schedule 

11:30am - 12:30pm
Community Conversations with U of T Staff 
Hybrid (In-Person & Zoom)
In collaboration with the Sexual & Gender Diversity Office, Family Care Office, Centre for International Experience, and Clubs & Leadership Development. Connect with U of T staff to learn about ways you can build communities of support during your time on campus and ways in which we all show up for one another, ourselves, and our campus community.

12:30 - 1 pm
Lunch & Community Time 

In-Person Only

1 - 2 pm
Living Library & Zine Making 

In-Person Only
These activities are concurrent, and attendees are welcome to rotate their participation or focus solely on one of the activities, depending on their preference.

The Living Library will be comprised of students, staff, alumni & community members who are acting as storytellers - inviting community, connection, solidarity, and representation. Storytellers will share their asepcts of their workplace experiences as it relates to their identity, and how they have fostered their agency and/or built communities of care. In Zine Making you can craft your own career narrative, within themes of work and identity  - such as imagining the world of work you'd like to graduate into, or sharing the strengths of your story.

2 - 3 pm
Community Conversations with Alumni & Employers

Hybrid (In-Person & Zoom)
Facilitated by a student, we will engage alumni and employers in dialogue around their workplace experiences as it relates to their identity, their professional development, and how they have built their own communities at work.

3 - 4 pm
Hybrid (In-Person & Zoom)
Activity: Cultivating your Structure of Care & Support
Identify, curate, and craft your community of support and care. In this activity, we will explore places where we can find community, connection, and representation - no matter what stage of career you are in - from job searching to building community in your existing workplace.


Questions about the Event 

I can't come for the full event, can I still come for part(s) of it? 
You are welcome to come for all or part(s) of the event, depending on your availability and schedule.

Where is the in-person event taking place? 
The in-person portion of the event will be taking place at the Experiential Learning Commons, located at 255 Beverley Street on the 3rd Floor.

When will I receive a link for the virtual event(s)?
In the days leading up to the event, if you indicated that you would be attending virtually on the
required pre-attendance form, you will recieve a Zoom link to the event.

What can I expect in terms of accommodations and support in the space?
  • The space is accessible by wheelchair and mobility devices.
  • There will be a quiet room for sensory breaks. 
  • Earplugs will be available to reduce noise. 
  • Fidget tools and paper for doodling/drawing/colouring will be available.

Can I request additional accommodation and/or needs for the event? 
Yes! There is a space on the
required pre-attendance form where you can disclose any accomodations or needs for the event. that wil be kept confidential amongst the organizing team.